A New Look

When You Get Your Mommy-Makeover, Don't Forget About Microblading

Unhappy with how your brows look? Why not do something about it? You may have heard of permanent makeup, which often involves cosmetic tattooing; micro-blading is different, and provides you with an option that doesn't involve needles and machines; in fact, many cosmetic surgeons and doctors are offering this outpatient, as well as in medical spas. 

Got questions about micro-blading? Here's some help:

What is micro-blading? Micro-blading is an outpatient procedure that involves a technician using blades to form and create eyebrows with pigment. Micro-blading is ideal for anyone who has overplucked their natural brows, or that have difficulty growing eyebrow hair.

How is it different than cosmetic tattooing? Cosmetic tattooing is considered a form of permanent makeup, and it involves a tattoo artist using a machine-operated needle to draw eyebrows on. The typical recovery and aftercare apply that would to a regular tattoo anywhere on your body; however, the closer to the eyes that you tattoo, the more vigilant you should be about aftercare.

What should be expected at a micro-blading appointment? Your micro-blading procedure typically takes place over two appointments, about a month apart. The first one will involve a thorough medical history and consultation, as well as the micro-blading treatment itself. The second appointment is to check healing, slough away scabbed skin, and make pigment adjustments if necessary.

How is the recovery? Many people report that micro-blading doesn't hurt and since it uses a local anesthetic, it is a pain-free procedure. The aftercare is quite detailed, and it is strongly recommended that you don't let the micro-blading site get wet, scratched, or touched for the first couple weeks after the treatment. It is also suggested that you stay out of heavy wind, such as from riding a motorbike or riding in a convertible with the top-down.

Will it last forever? Your new eyebrows will last a lifetime, although it may be necessary to have pigment added over time. If you stay out of the sun and pay attention to using sunscreen vigilantly, you will decrease the fading that can occur. Anything that sloughs the skin, such as chemical peels or exfoliants, potentially drains pigment from your micro-blading site.

Where can you get micro-blading treatments? Medical spas offer micro-blading by qualified technicians. Some plastic surgeons may also offer this in-office procedure.

If you are dissatisfied with your eyebrows, do something about it. Micro-blading offers an alternative option to other hair replacement techniques, cosmetic tattooing, and permanent makeup. Look for a medical spa near you that offers this innovative and pain-free treatment the next time you decide to get a mommy makeover
