A New Look

Three Reasons To Explore Breast Augmentation Surgery After Having A Baby

Having a baby changes everything. You probably expected that it would change your routine, and you were surely aware that your hips would widen. However, you may not have expected pregnancy to change your breasts so much. It's common for moms to feel deflated and completely changed up-top after pregnancy, especially if they breast feed for a few months and then wean their child.

So, what do you do about post-baby breasts? If you are not planning on having any more children, one option to explore is breast augmentation surgery. Here are three reasons why this approach works for many moms.

1. Breast augmentation gets rid of the deflated look.

Here's why your breasts look deflated after having had a baby. When you're pregnant and nursing, your breasts swell, stretching your skin. Then, when you are done nursing, the glandular tissue inside your breast shrinks back down, but the skin does not shrink as much. It remains saggy, giving your breast a deflated look.

Breast augmentation can get rid of that deflated appearance. An implant will take up space beneath the skin, stretching the skin taut. Your breasts will look full again -- similar to how they looked before you gave birth.

2. Breast augmentation can give you confidence in your appearance.

For some women, the drastic changes in their body after pregnancy are more than they can bear. You may barely recognize yourself when you look in the mirror, and as a result, you may struggle to be intimate with your partner or venture outside in a bathing suit. Breast augmentation can restore some of your self-confidence. This can help improve your physical relationship with your partner and ensure you feel comfortable and confident when you go out in public.

3. Breast augmentation can help clothing fit better.

There's a reason why so many women start wearing "mom clothes" all of the time once they become parents. The clothing you used to wear may not fit your changed body -- especially if your breasts are looking a bit deflated. It's tempting to just cover them up with baggy clothing. Breast augmentation surgery, however, is a good alternative approach. Your body shape will be closer to what it used to be, so you can go on wearing the clothing styles you love rather than reverting to baggy t-shirts.

Talk to a cosmetic surgeon in your area to learn more about the benefits of breast augmentation procedures after pregnancy. 
