A New Look

3 Technical Things To Know About Getting A Facelift

If you want to get a face lift, you need to make sure that you understand as much as you can about the surgery. A face lift can be a great way to shape your face and fight back against the signs of aging. However, it is important to remember that your face lift is not going to make your look decades younger. Make sure that you understand the technical terms and ideas around a facelift.

Face Lift Goes by Many Names

A face lift is a procedure that has gone by many names. The more technical term for a facelift, and the term that was used more commonly in the past, is Rhytidectomy surgical procedure. If you hear a doctor refer to a Rhytidectomy surgical procedure, they are really talking about a face lift.

The term face lift is really a large, broad term that is used to describe multiple different facial procedures. There are actually lots of different types of face lifts. Face lifts is just the general, overarching term given to more detailed procedures, such as the round block.

Three Main Parts of Your Face

When looking at your face, as you consider facial surgeon services, there are actually three different parts of your face that the surgeon looks at. Your face is divided into three lines. The lower part of your face is the area below your nose. The middle part of your face is the area from the bottom of your noise to your eyebrows. The upper part of your face is the area above your eyebrows to your forehead.

Each of these areas has distinct types of face lifts that can be performed on them. Generally, when you have a facelift, work is done in one region on your face at a time.

Need to Work With a Certified Plastic Surgeon

When you get a facelift, you don't want to work with just any surgeon. You want to work with a board certified plastic surgeon. A board-certified plastic surgeon has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and has passed rigorous tests as well as training in order to earn their certification. If you want the best look possible, you want to work with the best.

Although you may be able to secure a lower rate for a face lift by going out of the country for the procedure, you will be sacrificing having the work done by a trained medical professional who has received one of the highest certifications and honors that a plastic surgeon can reach, board-level certification. Also, when you have a procedure in the United States, you have access to the rest of the health care system should you experience any complications.
