A New Look

Prepping For Breast Surgery

Augmentation surgery for your breasts might have favorable results. That doesn't mean you won't still stress over the procedure and what to do as the surgery date approaches. These tasks will both occupy your mind and ready you for augmentation and recovery.

Stop Taking Medications

Your surgeon has probably recommended you cease most medications as you await surgery because many meds interact with the anesthesia you'll be given. However, now's a smart time to double-check which medications to stop or stay on. You needn't risk your health if you have serious health conditions; if you truly need a certain medicine, your breast surgeon will continue to encourage you to continue. Of course, you should also ensure you double-check these medication needs with your primary doctor, so both healthcare providers agree.

Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

Recreational smoking and drinking often provide problems for the recovering surgery patient. Blood flow is often impaired by a tobacco habit that interferes with adequate circulation; healing could be stunted. Platelet production is made sludgy by alcohol, and that production is vital after incisions, so the skin heals. Stopping those habits before surgery increases your personal ability to quickly recover.

Prep for Recovery

With the surgery about to happen, that's your main focus. However, while you're still moving around, recovery should be present in mind too. You will feel somewhat groggy after your augmentation is done, but the challenge will be feeling better in those first hours and days after the anesthesia wears off. That's hard when you've got stressful, regular life things to attend to. Therefore, clear your schedule for a week or a time suggested by your surgeon. Then, plan for your comfort in doing things like:

  • Pre-making meals or having some takeout numbers ready.
  • Settling bills or other responsibilities 
  • Filling prescriptions
  • Doing laundry
  • Making arrangements for dog walkers 

You'll also need a wedge pillow which can stabilize your position as you sleep so you won't roll onto your incisions. Remember to get augmentation bras in your new size that permit slipping frozen gel packs into a compartment, soothing discomfort. Stand-alone gel pads or ice packs can also work. You'll likely want these after the surgery, so get them well before your procedure.

Changing your breasts may be something you've long desired. Preparing for these last steps of the journey helps contain your excitement and calm your nerves. Ask your breast augmentation surgeon for more pre-procedure recommendations.
