A New Look

Are You Too Young For A Facelift?

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that can take years off your face and give you the youthful glow you've been seeking. A facelift is a permanent solution to your aging needs, and based on how extreme of a facelift you get, you can achieve a tighter neck, chin, and face and even lift your eyes — known as an eyelift — to reclaim the youth of your past.

While many women wait until they see noticeable and irreversible signs of aging before going under the knife, you have your reasons for wanting a facelift as a younger individual. Are you too young for a facelift? Only your qualified cosmetic surgeon can answer this question for you in full, but you can use this guide to help you determine if a facelift is what you need right now or if you should wait a few years.

You have lots of sagging skin

Sagging skin in the cheeks, jowls, and neck is an issue many women have. While gravity takes its toll in most individuals eventually, you may have sagging skin due to a dramatic or recent weight loss. If loose skin is making your face look older than you really are, you may want to consider a facelift even if you are younger than the norm.

A facelift doesn't need to be invasive: speak to your cosmetic surgeon about a minor or mini facelift to gently lift the skin that is aging you to make you feel more confident in your face.

You look older

If you spend lots of time out in the sun or have a chronic illness that has caused you to prematurely age, then a facelift may be right for you. Sometimes genetics play a role in premature aging as well, causing you to look much older than you really do. Wrinkles and crepe-like skin can give off the impression that you are older than your years.

You can get a facelift if you visibly look older than you are. Your cosmetic surgeon will show you the ways you can improve your skin's appearance with not just a facelift, but special creams and serums to keep your skin soft and supple as well.

A facelift is not a cosmetic procedure to be taken lightly. You need to do your research and choose a cosmetic specialist who has experience in several types of facelifts so you get the realistic and safe results you desire.
