A New Look

Post-Holiday Recommendations To Get Back Into Shape

When the holidays are over, you might realize you indulged a bit too much on sweets and treats during your holiday merry-making, which can result in tighter-fitting clothes (and not because they shrunk in the dryer). Holiday weight gain has been an issue with Americans for years and it is never easy to admit, but there are ways for you to lose the holiday pounds post-holiday. Here are some helpful recommendations to get your body back into shape.

Use Professional CoolSculpting

When you want to see weight loss results that show up more quickly than those from diet and exercise, there are several types of cosmetic procedures you can use for faster results. Instead of opting for a surgical and invasive procedure, such as liposuction, which has decreased in popularity by 30 percent since 2000 and requires weeks for your recovery, you can use CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that reduces your fat cells by 20 to 25 percent in the treatment area. When you use CoolSculpting, you get to select on the areas of your body that have excess fat deposits. This can include areas, such as your back, under your armpit, chin, or upper neck, on your thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and also under your buttocks.

During the process, your plastic surgeon uses their CoolSculpting device, which freezes and kills the fat cells in the area. Then, your body and liver breaks the dead cells down and eliminates them from your body over time. Over a period of several weeks and a repeat CoolSculpting session, you will begin to notice a fat reduction in your treatment area.

Hire a Personal Trainer

The start of the new year may give you the added boost you need to get your body healthy while you lose weight. Exercising, especially cardio and weight training, can improve your mood, boost your immune health, and increase your body's rate that it burns calories. And a great way to accomplish this is by hiring a personal trainer to help you at a local athletic club or gym.

When you hire a personal trainer, you not only get their assistance, but you get their personalized training to help you overcome your specific health challenges, so the training is tailored to you. And as an added benefit, they will help hold you accountable to your workouts, especially since you have paid money upfront for each session.

As you work with your personal trainer, they can teach you how to use the weight and cardio equipment at your gym, which is knowledge you can take with you after your sessions have ended. So, for example, you will know how to use the bench press bar and the proper stance you need to use when you complete bicep curls.

Follow a Weight Loss Program

Instead of looking at losing weight at a time when you need to restrict your eating, you can look at it as a way to eat healthily and make healthy food choices. Doing so can make your weight loss process easier to handle and more sustainable for long-term changes in your life. For example, if you go on a crash diet and lose a bunch of weight, then go back to your old eating habits, you are most likely going to gain back all the weight and maybe even more.

Try eating a diet of whole foods (such as fruits and vegetables) along with whole grains (such as whole wheat and brown rice). Eat sensible portions of lean meat and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Although life can be busy and chaotic, try to plan your meals in advance so you don't end up making unhealthy, last-minute choices.
