A New Look

Has Your Love For Running Outdoors Led To Spider Veins? 3 Signs That It Is Time To Treat Them

Whether you love running marathons or just go for a daily jog, you know that keeping up your favorite activity sometimes requires sacrifices. Unfortunately, you've now realized that one of those sacrifices involves the appearance of your facial skin. Many of the elements that you face as a runner can lead to spider veins such as increased exposure to the sun and changing weather conditions. The good news is that you can keep up your favorite athletic pursuit without giving up on your appearance by watching for these signs that it is time to treat your spider veins.

You Feel Self-Conscious About Facial Redness

Those tiny veins are often hard to see individually unless you perform a close examination. However, they do tend to create a flushed appearance that may cause your nose, cheeks or chin to appear red. When you find yourself grimacing when you look in the mirror or applying more makeup than usual to cover them up, it's worth finding out if you are a candidate for professional vein removal.

They Are Worsening Despite Your Best Efforts

When the first few spider veins pop up, you can often slow down or reverse the problem by adapting lifestyle changes. For instance, wearing sunscreen can prevent new ones from appearing due to sun exposure. You can also do things such as avoid extreme temperature changes such as hot showers to reduce the redness. Yet, there does come a point where they may begin to get worse no matter what types of self-care strategies you try, and treatment now can stop them from progressing.

You Feel Discomfort In Their Locations

In most cases, spider veins cause little discomfort. However, you may start to notice symptoms of spider veins if yours are fairly large or begin to spread. Feelings of itchiness, tingling or pain in the area of the spider veins signifies that you need to treat them. Pain free spider vein treatment is available that requires virtually no recovery time so that you can continue to enjoy hitting your running goals.

Your commitment to running is important for maintaining a healthy body, and it's only fair that your facial appearance reflect your dedication to taking care of yourself. While you can't turn back the hands of time, you can regain your bright and youthful skin tone by pursuing Pain Free Spider Vein Treatment once they begin to affect your happiness and quality of life.
