A New Look

Choosing Your Implant Size

If you have decided to have breast augmentation surgery, then the next decision on your plate will be to decide the size you want. While you may have some limitations regarding the sizes you can choose from, specifically how large you can go, you will still have choices available to you. It is important for you to choose the right size for a number of reasons. Here are some of the things to think about when it comes to selecting the right size for breast implants.

The size of your frame

You will want to consider the size of your frame when you are thinking about the size of breast implant to go with. If you have a very small frame, then it may look odd for you to have extremely large breast implants. However, if you have a very large frame, then you want to get breast implants that are large enough to complement your larger frame.

The choices of wardrobe

You should also be thinking about the style of clothing you plan on wearing once you have breast implants. If you still want to wear tight fitting blouses, and you aren't a fan of low cut necklines, then it may be more difficult for you to fit larger breasts into a lot of the types of blouses you like to wear. Also, be sure that you aren't leaving yourself needing a lot of custom made blouses, as this can get quite expensive. So, if you go too large, then you are going to want to keep this in mind, as many blouses that accommodate very large breasts are made with the assumption that the rest of the upper body portion is also very large as well.

Possible back injuries

If you have a back injury, then you have more to consider. The chances are good that a back injury isn't going to make a noticeable difference to you if you get implants that are within a reasonable size range. However, if you are thinking about getting ones that are extremely large, then you may want to discuss this with your doctor and verify that the extra weight you will be carrying around won't cause you to experience any more back pain.


Now that you have a better idea of the types of results that can come with selecting the size implant you should go with, you will have a good starting off point with regards to making that right decision.
