A New Look

3 Things To Know About Breast Lifts

Sagging or hanging breasts are a common complaint for many women. Often the breasts start to sag after having children, with age, or after weight loss. If you are unhappy with the current shape of your breasts and want to make changes, there are various cosmetic procedures that can help. A breast lift is one of these procedures. A lift can completely change the appearance of the breasts and is a great option for many women. Here are three things to know about this procedure.

How It Works

The first thing that you should know about a breast lift is what the procedure entails. The exact method used for a breast lift will vary depending on the size and shape of your breasts as well as your skin elasticity and the amount of sagging present. Incisions are made in the breast and the underlying tissue is moved up and lifted in order to improve the firmness and shape of the breast. The nipple and areola are also repositioned and excess skin is removed. Once the procedure is finished, you will have higher, firmer breasts.

The Cost

If you are considering breast lift services, it's important to note that costs can vary. How much you pay will depend on the type of lift required, the size of your breasts, the rates of your cosmetic surgeon, and even the area you live in. The average cost of a breast lift ranges between $3,500 and $6,000 depending on your needs. Often breast lifts are done in conjunction with other procedures, such as breast implants, breast reductions, or tummy tucks. Having multiple procedures done at once can help you save. Many surgeons also offer payment plans if you are unable to afford the total cost upfront.

Recovery Time

With any cosmetic procedure, recovery time is likely going to be a key concern. How long it takes to recover from a breast lift will vary depending on the individual. For the first couple of weeks after a breast lift, you will need to sleep on your back and you will need to take it easy. Most are able to get back to their normal routine within two to six weeks, but it may be a few months before swelling and tenderness subside completely.

If you are unhappy with your breasts, a breast lift may be the right procedure for you. However, there are a few things to know before you decide to get a lift. First, it's important to know how this procedure works and whether or not it will address your concerns. Costs will vary but breast lifts typically cost a few thousand dollars. Recovery time is also different for each individual, but most are back to their normal activities within a few weeks.
