A New Look

Can You Rejuvenate Your Lady Parts Without Surgery?

For many women, vaginal health is important. Women also want to feel good about their parts "down there," but they often think they have to undergo surgery in order to achieve the feeling they want. In truth, you could benefit from vaginal rejuvenation without ever having to go under the knife. Here's how.

What Does Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Do?

Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment addresses many common concerns women have about their "lady parts." For example, women who notice increased looseness or decreased sensation during sex may turn to this procedure. Many women like to undergo this procedure when they are done having children and want to feel a change during sexual intercourse.

It can also address vaginal dryness, which makes sex painful. Even lubricant is not practical or effective enough to combat the problem. Vaginal rejuvenation may correct the problem to give you a better sensation and much less pain.

For some women, the changing sensation in the vagina and around the vulva may lead to confidence and self-esteem concerns. This means that they may feel self-conscious about their bodies. Vaginal rejuvenation can change this, potentially even improving relationships.

Sometimes, vaginal rejuvenation influences stress urinary incontinence. This treatment may prevent accidental urination during exercise, coughing, laughing, and sexual intercourse.

Why Is Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Better than Vaginoplasty?

In the past, many women may have considered vaginoplasty, a surgical treatment, to remedy this situation. Non-surgical treatments are better for many women because it does not come with the same risks and the amount of downtime. In fact, women often resume totally normal functioning, including sexual activity, right away. You don't have to recover at home.

Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is also less painful than surgery. It does not even require anesthesia, and you will feel like your back to your daily routine immediately. You don't have to worry about incisions, scarring, stitches, or telling anybody about your procedure.

What Kind of Results Should You Expect?

The results of procedures like vaginal rejuvenation vary from person to person. Additionally, you might notice that the results vary based on the site of the injection. Your doctor may use filler to inject areas of your body based on your symptoms and desire results.

Finally, don't assume that any treatment is wrong or right for you without speaking with a doctor. A professional can help you determine if you are a good candidate for vaginal rejuvenation, whether it is surgical or non-surgical.
