A New Look

Botox Now or Later? How You Can Benefit From Both

If you're interested in avoiding or reducing fine lines and wrinkles, you may have considered Botox. But many interested people aren't sure if they should bother with Botox before they get wrinkles or wait until they start to develop them. The truth is, you can benefit from both! Here's what you should know about botox before and after wrinkles.

Before Wrinkles

Botox can be quite beneficial to people who haven't yet developed wrinkles. If you get Botox at the appropriate time, you can help to slow down and prevent the development of some wrinkles.

Botox relaxes and partially paralyzes muscles in targeted areas. What this means is that you'll be performing fewer activities subconsciously that can cause wrinkles. For example, you may not notice when you scrunch your forehead, raise your eyebrows, or squint, but all of these things can lead to wrinkles in the long term. Through Botox, these expressions are diminished, slowing, or outright stopping the development of wrinkles. So in essence, you can look younger for longer if you get Botox before you develop wrinkles.

After Wrinkles

But what about after wrinkles? Well, it's quite helpful then, too. Once a wrinkle develops in the skin, it's difficult to get rid of it 100%. However, Botox injections can help to prevent that wrinkle from getting deeper and may change your appearance to looking like you have fine lines instead of significant wrinkles. Botox helps to calm the muscles that are responsible for wrinkles. By forcing those muscles to fully relax, the skin automatically levels out, and the longer those muscles are relaxed, the less defined the wrinkle in the skin becomes.

Botox Myths

Now, at this point, you may or may not have some concerns regarding whether or not you'll be able to continue using facial expressions. Rest assured that jokes regarding people not being able to express themselves due to Botox are blown out of proportion and are simply jokes, not reality.

Botox reduces the extremes of facial expressions but doesn't prevent you from using them at all. You'll be able to smile, laugh, scrunch your forehead, and everything else you're accustomed to. You'll just notice that you may have to push harder to reach the same extremes in your facial expressions, which should prevent you from performing them subconsciously, so don't fret.

If you're wondering if you're a good candidate for Botox, consider reaching out to services that provide Botox injections. 
