A New Look

The Dos and Don'ts: 4 Recovery Tips After a Breast Augmentation Surgery

Thanks to the fusion of modern medicine and technology, cosmetic surgeries are safer and growing in popularity by the day. Breast augmentation procedures are one of the more common plastic surgeries. They aim at giving interested women fuller breasts.

If you have been looking into getting your breasts enlarged, you might want to know about the post-surgery period. Here are a few recovery tips to help make the period bearable.

1. Do Follow Your Surgeon's Instructions

Just like your surgeon offered pre-operative instructions, so should you expect a few expert post-operative instructions. Your surgeon may recommend pain relief medication to help you withstand the discomfort associated with the invasive procedure. Stick to the prescription to avoid complications, pain, or dependence on the drugs.

Your surgeon will recommend compression garments to improve the healing process and ensure the breast implants settle in as anticipated. Mostly, the compression garments are a post-surgical bra and gauze dressing. Occasional massaging after the incisions have healed may also be necessary to encourage proper settling of the implants.

2. Don't Ignore Certain Symptoms After Surgery

It is generally normal to experience some inflammation, bleeding, and swelling during the first few days after surgery. These three symptoms should subside after a while. However, if you feel that they are getting worse by the day and your urge to take more prescribed drugs grows over time, you should head back to the surgeon for further investigations.

Other complicated symptoms such as breast numbness, nausea, nipple changes, and skin wrinkling are indications you need to seek help. The earlier your specialist diagnoses the problem, the higher your chances of a successful breast procedure.

3. Do Avoid Strenuous Physical Activities

Your body should be working harder to heal the incision, prevent infections, and accommodate the new implants after surgery. Therefore, you might feel exhausted from the anesthesia wearing off. You will need to give your body enough time to rest and heal.

The more you rest, the higher your chances of recovering quickly. Avoid strenuous physical activities and exercises to avoid tearing the sewn incisions. Listen to your body before heading to the gym.

4. Don't Forget to Eat Well

Good nutrition is the key to promoting quick recovery and healing. The body requires nutrients now more than ever to encourage incision healing and restore normalcy in your body. Therefore, stay hydrated and take some of the mineral and vitamin supplements recommended by your doctor.

Within a few months of healing, you should recover fully and enjoy the new look of your breasts. If you fear undertaking breast augmentation procedures because of the recovery period, you certainly have nothing to worry about. Make that call today to enjoy the benefits that come with the new look.
