A New Look

The Best Fillers For Subtle Signs Of Aging

What dermal filler is the best? Well, that really depends on the look you're going for and what issues you are trying to correct. If you're trying to camouflage an uneven nose, then you're going to need a pretty heavy-hitting filler. But if you're just trying to ease a few fine lines and mild wrinkles that are making you look a bit older, you'll want something gentler and more subtle. Here are the key fillers to consider in a situation like this.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in your body. It's actually found in a lot of different tissues. It helps pad and lubricate your joints, and it adds volume to your skin. As you grow older, though, your skin tends to produce less hyaluronic acid, which is part of the reason why you develop wrinkles and fine lines. Injections of hyaluronic acid, then, work by reducing the root cause of wrinkle formation. These injections won't make you look fake or plastic. But they will add a bit of volume to your skin, making it appear fuller and younger.

You don't really have to worry about allergies or rejection issues with hyaluronic acid, and the injections are tiny, so they won't be too painful. As the results start to wear off, which happens in a few months, you can get another round of injections. 

Poly-L-lactic Acid

Poly-L-lactic acid is a dermal filler that was first used to address the loss of fat in the facial tissue. More recently, though, dermatologists have begun using it to address lines and wrinkles. It's not actually the poly-L-lactic acid itself that erases your wrinkles. Instead, the injections trigger your body's collagen production process. So, in the months after you get a poly-L-lactic acid injection, your skin starts creating more collagen and filling in those wrinkles on its own.

Poly-L-lactic acid injections are a good choice if you really want to make sure your results look natural. The results are not instant, but they last for years, unlike hyaluronic acid injections that need to be repeated every few months. However, poly-L-lactic acid injections do tend to cost more, and you have to be patient while the results develop.

Looking in the mirror to see wrinkles and fine lines is not fun. However, fillers exist that can help with this. Talk to your dermatologist to learn more about hyaluronic acid and poly-L-lactic acid injections, and to gain more insight as to which may be the better choice for you.

For more information on anti-aging dermal fillers, contact a company like Capitis Medical and Aesthetics.
