A New Look

A Smart Liposuction Treatment Uses A Laser To Tighten Skin And Remove Fat

If you're unhappy with small pockets of fat on your body, you might want to consider getting a smart liposuction treatment. If you are content with your body overall and you watch your diet and exercise, but you can't lose fat in certain places, such as the muffin top or your love handles, smart liposuction might be the solution.

This cosmetic procedure can be used to sculpt your body shape by eliminating fat that has settled in unwanted areas. Here's how smart liposuction treatments work. 

Local Anesthesia Is Used

Traditional liposuction requires general anesthesia since the treatment is so aggressive. Smart liposuction is done with a local anesthetic. This reduces the risk of complications from anesthesia and it gets you out of the clinic quicker. Smart liposuction is more gentle because it uses a laser to melt fat first so it is easier to remove. The cannula used to remove the fat is much smaller, so smaller incisions are needed.

The Laser Tightens Skin Too

Smart liposuction uses a laser that's inserted under your skin to heat up fat and skin tissue. When your skin is heated, collagen is stimulated. Collagen helps tighten the skin so your skin isn't saggy after the fat is removed.

Plus, tightening your skin also helps sculpt your body. Even though this treatment uses heat that affects fat and skin, other tissues such as nerves, are not affected. This type of liposuction can be used anywhere you have pockets of fat and you want tighter skin, such as your chin, abdominal area, back, knees, arms, or thighs.

Recovery Is Fast

Recovery from this type of liposuction is fairly quick. You might return to work in as little as two or three days, but the length of time you need for recovery depends on how many areas of your body you had treated at once. You can expect some bruising and swelling, but that should go away in several days.

You might need to wear a compression garment to control the swelling, and you might have some pain or discomfort right after the procedure. It could be a couple of weeks before you can resume your usual strenuous activities and exercise.

Results Might Take A While

You should notice right away that there is less fat in your trouble area, but the final results of the sculpting may not be obvious yet. The swelling needs to go down first and time is needed for collagen to tighten your skin, so you should see a slow, gradual change in your shape in the weeks following your smart liposuction treatment.

Contact a company like Dr Park Ave to learn more.   
