A New Look

Myths About Tummy Tuck Surgery Debunked

Distended or sagging abdominal skin can cause low self-esteem. Individuals are now opting for tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty to reduce abdominal skin size. The procedure strengthens the abdominal skin and increases muscle tone, leading to a flat stomach. However, there are numerous myths surrounding abdominoplasty that can create confusion.

Before you go through tummy tuck surgery, here are the common myths and facts about the procedure.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Will Help Lose Weight

Most people assume abdominoplasty is a weight loss procedure. However, it is a cosmetic contouring surgery meant to reduce stretched skin in the lower abdomen. The surgery removes excess subcutaneous fat and superficial skin from the lower abdomen and tightens abdominal muscles. Tummy tuck surgery does not address internal visceral fat that causes protruding bellies.

Abdominoplasty Is Meant for Ladies Only

Usually, most tummy tuck surgery patients are women after giving birth. However, this does not limit the surgery to women only. Men can also undergo the procedure as they can also suffer from saggy bellies after losing considerable weight. Therefore, men trying to get rid of sagging skin around their bellies should consider abdominoplasty.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Will Leave you With Large Visible Scars

People believe abdominoplasty will leave behind large visible scars. Scars are unavoidable in any surgical procedure, but skilled surgeons can minimize them. Well-trained cosmetic surgeons know precisely where to place the tummy tuck incisions. Usually, the location is discrete and can be easily covered by your innerwear.

You Must Use Surgical Drains After Abdominoplasty

Surgical drains prevent fluid accumulation after a surgical procedure. Usually, surgical drains are used after abdominoplasty, but it's not a must. Medical drains are only necessary if you have too much-sagging skin since surgery will be a little invasive. However, patients with minimal abdominal skin sagging do not need surgical drains. To be sure whether you require surgical drains, consult your cosmetic surgeon before and after the surgery.

There Is an Age for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Patients assume older adults will get complications after abdominoplasty, which is not true. Surgeons ensure they conduct the procedure with high precision to prevent complications across all ages. There are no medical concerns if you undertake the procedure when you are healthy. 

Myths can be misleading about tummy tuck surgery, making people undertake the surgery based on what they believe instead of what it will do. Therefore, it's important to understand the various facts about abdominoplasty. In a nutshell, the abdominoplasty procedure is available to both men and women of all ages and it does not leave behind large scars if well done.

For more info, contact a tummy tuck surgery provider. 
