A New Look

Considering A Hair Transplant? 3 Things To Know

Losing your hair can be a challenging thing to deal with. While there are hair restoration options out there, it can be scary to start looking into them. The good news is that hair loss treatment has come a long way in previous years. Today's hair transplant and restoration techniques can provide a natural-looking and feeling solution to thinning hair.

Here are three things to know if you are looking into getting a hair transplant.

How The Procedure Works

The first thing to know about this hair restoration procedure is how it works. Hair transplant techniques have evolved significantly in recent years, but the surgery moves the hair you already have and places it in an area that is experiencing loss or has already lost the hair. There are two main methods that are used for a hair transplant: follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). Which option your surgeon selects will depend on how much hair loss you are dealing with and where it's located. 

How Much It Costs

Hair transplants are effective, but they are labor-intensive. How much you pay for a hair transplant depends on the skill of your surgeon, where you live, and where you want to add hair. It's also important to note that most patients require multiple hair transplants to get the results they desire. The hair transplant method used also impacts your bottom line. Depending on these variables, hair transplant costs usually range from $4,000 to $15,000. Before committing to this hair loss treatment, consider how much it will cost and whether you can afford it.

It Takes Time To See The Results

If you are searching for a hair loss treatment that produces quick results, a hair transplant is not for you. It will take months to see the full effects of a hair transplant procedure. The transplanted hair will fall out a few weeks after the procedure. However, you will see new growth in those areas within a few months. Before committing to a hair transplant, discuss what to expect when it comes to hair regeneration with your surgeon. 

There are a few things you should know if you are considering a hair transplant. First, you will want to look into how the procedure works and which options are available. Second, consider the cost of a hair transplant before committing to one. Finally, patience is vital since it can take months to see the transplant procedure's results. 
