A New Look

Should You Consider Breast Reduction?

Many women want larger breasts, but some women would prefer their breasts to be smaller. Luckily, breast reduction surgery can remove tissue to make the breasts smaller. If you would like to know more about breast reduction surgery and if it's right for you, keep reading.

Do You Have Back and Neck Pain? 

Many women with large breasts have chronic neck and upper back pain. You may also have shoulder pain and never pain. This pain is largely caused by the excess weight of the breasts pulling you forward.

This causes poor posture by rounding your shoulders and hunching your back. In some cases, exercises and stretches can help, but making the breasts smaller can also take a lot of strain off the back, neck, and shoulder muscles and joints.

Do you Experience Chronic Skin Irritation Under the Breast?

If your breasts are large, you may have a lot of skin-on-skin rubbing under the breasts, which can cause the skin to break down, increasing the risk of infection. Anytime skin touches skin in this way, it can also increase the risk of moisture and fungal infections like yeast or dermatophytes. Depending on the size and shape of your breasts, you may also want to consider a breast lift to prevent skin from touching skin.

Do You Avoid Certain Activities?

Large breasts can make it hard to do a lot of activities. They may get in the way of sports like volleyball or golf that require you to hold your arms in front of your chest. However, more importantly, they cause problems for sports that involve running or jumping. Sports bras can help, but if you have particularly large breasts, they may still move too much.

Not only can this be embarrassing and distracting for you, but it can also cause pain and discomfort. Sweat can also easily gather under the breasts, further increasing the risk of skin irritation and infection.

Are You Unhappy With the Size of Your Breasts?

Naturally, if you're unhappy with your large breasts, consider breast reduction surgery. You may not like the proportions of your body, especially if you have a slender waist and hips. Of course, you may also simply prefer the look of smaller breasts and want to achieve that look.

Finally, many women may find it hard to find clothes that fit and look good when they have large breasts. For example, when buying a button-up shirt, you may have to buy an oversized shirt, which in turn, can make you look heavy.

Breast reduction may not be as common as breast enhancement, but many women find relief from making their breasts smaller, especially if they have chronic pain. If you would like to know more, contact a doctor today.
